Read the Newsletter: What Advocates Say East New York Needs 1 Year After Rezoning
Jarrett Murphy |
Read our free newsletter for East New York, one year after the rezoning.
Read our free newsletter for East New York, one year after the rezoning.
Lea nuestro boletín impreso gratuito.
‘Como expliqué en el Proceso de Planificación de East New York, aunque algunos detalles pudieron haberse hecho mejor, creo firmemente que hicimos lo correcto y que el tiempo demostrará el alcance de nuestro trabajo.’
The local councilman writes, one year after the rezoning: ‘The East New York Neighborhood Plan is the kind of action the neighborhood has been waiting for. ‘
The city’s planning and housing commissioners review progress in East New York one year after the major rezoning there.
La Ciudad ha hecho un compromiso a largo plazo y está trabajando para asegurar que East New York sea un barrio próspero, vibrante y asequible para sus residentes actuales y futuros.
A mom who is suing the DOE writes about the role a threatened charter school has played in the lives of her two sons with learning disabilities.