City Limits uses investigative journalism through the prism of New York City to identify urban problems, examine their causes, explore solutions, and equip communities to take action.
Founded in 1976 in the midst of New York’s fiscal crisis, City Limits exists to inform democracy and equip citizens to create a more just city. The organization is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit funded by foundation support, ad sponsorship and donations from readers.
Support local, investigative journalism that has informed and empowered New Yorkers for 45 years.
Support local, investigative journalism that has informed and empowered New Yorkers for 45 years.
ZoneIn Audio: How Jerome Avenue Area Residents Feel About the Rezoning
By Abigail Savitch-Lew.
Dennis Hill
City Limits asked people attending a November meeting of the Bronx Coalition for a Community Vision how they feel about the potential rezoning of the area. Here are the answers that Ramon Mendez, Annie Wilson Rodgers, Dave Subren and Vivian Vazquez gave.
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Trabajadoras sexuales inmigrantes en medio de la “Operación Restaurar Roosevelt”
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more stories:
Opinion: Policing, Surveillance, and False Promises of Safety
By Sadia Saba
Trabajadoras sexuales inmigrantes en medio de la “Operación Restaurar Roosevelt”
By Daniel Parra
It’s A Tie: NYCHA Tenants in Brooklyn Must Vote Again on Funding Model
By Tatyana Turner
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