Adi Talwar
Vote here.

Adi Talwar
Voters arriving and leaving voting site at a community center auditorium located at 177 Dreiser loop in Co-op City.

Adi Talwar
The Dreiser Loop poll site serves 19 election districts.

Adi Talwar
Scanning his choices.

Adi Talwar
Filling out a ballot.

Adi Talwar
In the privacy booth.

Adi Talwar
Voters chose a president and vice president, one of our two U.S. senators, a representative in Congress, state senator, state Assemblymember and several judges.

Adi Talwar
One votes, another waits.

Adi Talwar
a prospective voter discussing her registration (missing) with election coordinator Ms.Zandra Lolani Coles.

Adi Talwar
According to Coop City's website, over 50,000 people call Co-op city home.

Adi Talwar
Martin Daniel Badonsky working to fix the light on a polling station at the community center auditorium located at 177 Dreiser loop in Co-op City.

Adi Talwar
Inside the polling place at the community center auditorium located at 177 Dreiser loop in Co-op City. This location was the largest of three serving residents of Co-op city.

Adi Talwar
Arriving to vote in Coop City.