Bronx Teen Writes for The New York Times

In this morning’s news roundup, we linked to a New York Times story about the city’s decision to fine several stores in the Bronx and Manhattan for keeping their doors open during hot weather.We wanted to point out that the author of the piece is Andrew Boryga, a 19-year-old Bedford Park resident and Mount St. Michael Academy graduate. Andrew is interning at The Times this summer, as he did last summer, when he wrote for The Local, a Times blog which covers parts of Brooklyn. Today’s article is his first print clip, and needless to say it’s a terrific achievement. There can’t be many teenagers with a byline from the Gray Lady.

Senate Candidate Pilgrim-Hunter Responds to Disability Questions

Note to Readers: This is an extremely long post that I’m breaking into two parts. Before the jump, is a summary of the controversy involving senate candidate Desiree Pilgrim-Hunter’s (pictured, right) disability benefits and some answers to the questions that have been raised. After the jump is the full story. Last week, BoogieDowner, a local blog based in Bedford Park, raised questions about State Senate candidate (33rd District) Desiree Pilgrim-Hunter’s work history, which mostly consists of a short stint as a welfare-to-work counselor and then several years working for Avon, most recently in 2000 as a regional sales manager. It then goes into how, after a work-related injury, Pilgrim-Hunter has been receiving Social Security disability payments since 2006 and continues to while campaigning.

MTA Cut-backs in the Bronx

The June 27 reductions of MTA services are leaving commuters from all five borrows unprepared to deal with the restructuring of subway and bus lines.In the Bronx, a substantial reduction of bus services has affected many commuters’ familiar routine, specifically for riders of the Bx20 and Bx34. The MTA is also proposing additional cuts to subway booths and kiosks in the Bronx as they prepare to lay off numerous station agents.These cuts in services by the MTA greatly affect commuters who do not use unlimited Metrocards, and are now possibly facing fare hikes of 100%.As part of the MTA’s reductions, the Bx20 is discontinuing service during off-peak hours and the Bx34 will no longer offer weekend or overnight service.Prior to the June 27 MTA reductions, four Manhattan bound subway station booths and kiosks were closed in the Bronx as part of a city-wide layoff of subway station agents.Since mid-May, the Manhattan bound 149 St-3rd Ave and 174 St stops of the 2 and 5 trains, the 161 St-Yankee Stadium stop of the 4, B and D trains and the East 149 St stop of the 6 train have all been closed.On July 13 and 14 the MTA is holding public hearings on the proposed permanent elimination of all four of these station booths and kiosks.