The Brutal Trut

The NYPD knows how to stop police violence: Screen out bad cadets, train officers to respect their beats and identify bad cops before they kill. So why are New York’s finest failing to use the tools they have?

Cops: A User's Guide

As the police department struggles with reform from the inside, community groups have found innovative ways to deal with the police–and force the police to deal with them.

Waiting for the Doug

One year after the NYPD promised to share the wealth from drug prosecutions, New York locals haven’t seen one blue cent.

The Fire Next Time

A young, idealistic credit union founder from Central Brooklyn tried to become Fort Greene’s City Councilmember. He failed. But what he learned will be valuable for the next crop of insurgents–the Class of 2001.

A Plague on Their Housing

People with AIDS are living longer, often with complex mental health and drug issues. While AIDS housing nonprofits are preparing for the influx, the city’s new AIDS housing push has stalled before it started.

Reversal of Fortune

Last month we broke the story of a sweetheart deal for the financiers–and tenants–of a notorious South Bronx housing project. Now HUD says all bets are off.

The Sister v. Big Brother

In creating a new computer system, the state proposes to upload sensitive family case histories. A nun in Sunset Park leads one of the groups that says New York shouldn’t scare people away in their moment of need.

Harry’s Heroes

Sixty years after the Parodneck Foundation made milk affordable for New York’s poor children, it now has the juice to help develop low-income tenant-run housing.