Roberts' Rules

To keep their city consulting dollars, neighborhood housing groups now have to lend a hand to landlords.

Elva’s Endgame

An East New York apartment complex suffered for years under HUD’s un-watchful eye. Now they are moving toward a future of tenant ownership and better living conditions–if only the city will give them a tax break.

Reversal of Fortune

Last month we broke the story of a sweetheart deal for the financiers–and tenants–of a notorious South Bronx housing project. Now HUD says all bets are off.

Anatomy of a Sweetheart Deal

The Jose de Diego Beekman Houses in Mott Haven has been a sweetheart to everybody–except its besieged tenants. Billionaires like Bob Tisch made it a quiet hideaway for tax shelter cash. Murdering drug gangs like the Wild Cowboys made it their hole in the wall. Now its tenants are creating a bailout that may be the model for hundreds of similar projects across the country. It also happens to help out a high-powered Clinton fundraiser.