Will Cities Be Heard in Campaign 2012?
Jarrett Murphy |
Great nations feature great cities. But American campaigns usually don’t. Four years after voters elected a president who pledged to do more for cities, is that about to change?
Great nations feature great cities. But American campaigns usually don’t. Four years after voters elected a president who pledged to do more for cities, is that about to change?
The major rezoning of Brooklyn in 2004, coupled with the recent economic slowdown, has produced mixed results for residents and businesses.
In 2009 a controversy over wages scuttled a plan to build a mall in the long-empty Kingsbridge Armory. Now there’s a plan to host bike races there. Is a renovation project finally getting in gear?
Advocates say a Bloomberg administration reduction of brokers’ fees paid under an HIV/AIDS housing program has made life harder for HIV-positive clients.
As a national debate over farm subsidies heats up, a look at the top New York City beneficiaries reveals the nuances of a controversial program.
Indictments in the Bronx, scuffles on Wall Street, cops charged with planting drugs and running guns. The NYPD is getting a lot of bad press these days. But calls for stricter outside monitoring face familiar obstacles, both practical and political.
The city is in the midst of an historic plan to build affordable housing. But people who want to live in those low-income units face enormous difficulty finding and applying for government-subsidized apartments.
From schools to public housing to hospitals that serve the poor, private firms are being brought in to rescue remnants of an earlier, more ambitious era of government.
In the past year, the housing authority has let contracts worth $10 million to a consultant to oversee a major restructuring. The content of that advice is under wraps.
Facing a severe fiscal crisis, New York’s public hospitals brought in a consultant for advice. But determining best practices for a one-of-a-kind charity healthcare system is a tricky operation.