City Planning Commission
Restart of City’s ULURP Process Could Save De Blasio’s Last Rezoning
Sadef Ali Kully |
Online City Planning Commission meetings and hearings will begin in August, in time to move ahead with a plan to rezone Gowanus.
Online City Planning Commission meetings and hearings will begin in August, in time to move ahead with a plan to rezone Gowanus.
‘Building supertall finger buildings that allow high sales prices based on the views they let inhabitants own hurts neighborhoods by blocking light and air from other buildings and public streets.’
Opposition to the towers is vocal, and the oppositions’ strategies are varied: Some want to force a land-use review via legislation, while others are threatening a lawsuit.
Councilmember Ydanis Rodriguez’s community meeting on Sunday came midway through the public review procedure through which the Inwood rezoning will be approved or disproved.
The De Blasio administration’s fourth neighborhood rezoning—and the first for the Bronx—is moving to the final stages of the approval process.
On Tuesday, Mayor de Blasio’s fifth neighborhood rezoning entered the seven-month process through which a rezoning can be approved—but not without strong pushback from neighborhood groups in Inwood.
There was one vote against, and one abstention, linked to concerns about displacement.
Marisa Lago, director of the Department of City Planning as of March, reiterated the administration’s priorities in a speech to the business community.
The administration presented new investments and new height limits for some portions of the rezoning, but most residents and stakeholders said they still strongly disproved of the city’s rezoning proposal.
If you asked your boss for the morning off, see if you can get the afternoon instead.