Your search for hunger returned 279 results

3 Things We Wish NYC’s Mayoral Candidates Discussed in the 1st General Debate

Both bombastic personalities with sometimes polar opinions on the issues facing the city, Democrat Eric Adams, the current Brooklyn borough president and former NYPD captain, and Republican and Guardian Angels founder Curtis Sliwa clashed in the first few minutes of the Wednesday debate.

October 21, 2021

Opinion: New York City’s Food Waste is a Solvable Issue

‘We know how to reduce food waste, we just need to find the will to do it.’

October 8, 2021

As NY’s Excluded Workers Fund Runs Out of Cash, Advocates Press for Expansion

The state’s Department of Labor, which is administering the program, is warning on its website that the fund is “nearing exhaustion” and cannot guarantee that future applicants will be approved for relief. “Soon new applications will no longer be accepted,” the DOL’s website reads.

October 7, 2021

Opinion: How NYC Families Can Donate Their Pandemic Food Benefits

‘If our most affluent public school families choose to donate the value of their P-EBT card, New York City charities could reap as much as $150 million.’

September 22, 2021

Tax Preparers Charge Up to $600 To Send Applications for the Excluded Workers Fund

Tax preparers are taking advantage of The Excluded Workers Fund to charge immigrants for preparing applications, a service nonprofits offer for free.

September 1, 2021

NY’s Excluded Workers Fund Excludes Many It Was Supposed to Help, Advocates Say

The lack of required documentation among the undocumented population seems to be the biggest barrier to applying to New York’s Excluded Workers Fund, a relief fund designed to include these workers.

August 26, 2021

Would-be Beneficiaries of New York’s Excluded Workers Fund Face Obstacles

The 290,000 potential beneficiaries of the fund, intended to aid workers who were ineligible for other government COVID relief, are facing a new obstacle: gathering the documentation necessary to complete the application.

July 28, 2021

Opinion: It’s Time to Make Housing Vouchers Universal

‘What low-income renters and homeless New Yorkers really need is Section 8 for all: housing assistance offered as an entitlement for everyone who qualifies.’

June 28, 2021

Opinion: NYC’s Recovery Hinges on How We Treat Our Children. Our Next Mayor Must Focus on Their Future.

‘Unless New York’s next mayor steps up to address the barrage of crises facing New York’s children, an already untenable situation is on track to become much, much worse.’

June 9, 2021

What the State Budget Means for New York City’s People in Need

A state senator and a policy expert weigh in on how state aid and federal relief affect the policy picture facing New Yorkers and the candidates running for mayor.

April 8, 2021