Bay Street
A New Year’s Update on the de Blasio Rezonings
Abigail Savitch-Lew |
We start 2018 with three rezonings approved and many more in the pipeline at various stages.
We start 2018 with three rezonings approved and many more in the pipeline at various stages.
The City Planning Commission listened to passionate testimony regarding the proposed Jerome Avenue rezoning.
The vote brings the fourth De Blasio rezoning one step closer to approval.
Hoping to counter fanciful marketing, debunk nutrition myths and encourage the consumption of healthy foods, nonprofits have teamed up with vendors to channel the desire for better health in New York’s low-income communities.
There were voices of support for a rezoning when Ruben Diaz Jr. convened a hearing on the city’s Jerome Avenue plan. And there was nuance from the councilwoman whose vote will matter most.
Much of Torres’ legislative record fits easily with his profile as a millennial progressive. But on public housing, his bread-and-butter issue, Torres has departed from some progressive allies in supporting controversial elements of Next Generation NYCHA.
Claremont Village is affected by severe rat activity, scoring the maximum 3 out of 3 points, according to a fall 2016 study by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
Five years after Sandy, the city and owners have begun addressing vulnerabilities throughout the sprawling Food Distribution Center, but it remains unclear how resilient the area would be if forced to confront another natural disaster head-on.
The vote, along with a similar recommendation by Community Board 4 on Tuesday night, provides backing for de Blasio’s fourth neighborhood rezoning.
Board 5, which shares an equal portion of the rezoning, will vote Wednesday.