The Max & Murphy Show
Max & Murphy On Housing: Tracking Promises, Chasing Policies
Jarrett Murphy |
Gotham Gazette and City Limits break down the top housing policy stories of the past week.
Gotham Gazette and City Limits break down the top housing policy stories of the past week.
A skyscraper is more than just a building. And Manhattan’s new generation of supertall buildings are more than mere skyscrapers. They are an expression, to some, of wealth’s metastasizing supremacy.
The councilman whose “yes” vote paved the way for the first of what could be more than a dozen de Blasio rezonings talks about his decision on BkLive.
Is Hillary better than Bernie when it comes to gay equality? Can we trust Donald to be reasonable when it comes to transgender rights? Veteran scribes come together for a drink and a discussion on StraightUp.
Gotham Gazette and City Limits talk over the housing-policy news of the week, from a slowdown on the Jerome Avenue rezoning, to a ranking of neighborhoods by housing risk, to the latest on NextGen NYCHA and the latest city effort to make bad buildings better.
The Move NY plan isn’t the first to suggest tolling roads to central Manhattan that are currently free. But it does seem to have an unusual amount of momentum.
Ritchie Torres credits the mayor for taking unprecedented steps to shore up the fiscally challenged public housing authority. But he feels that NYCHA’s untapped political power must be harnessed to get more help for the authority from every level of government.
City Hall reporter Jeff Mays, investigative journalist Bob Hennelly and former City Comptroller John Liu size up the problems confronting the mayor and his message.
Gotham Gazette and City Limits take a fair and balanced approach to running through the week’s biggest housing stories.
The 2016 presidential campaign has produced rather abundant and unusually blunt talk about racism, exclusion and privilege. But who’s really part of that conversation? What’s it missing? And what will happen to the exchange when the campaign rallies are over?