Zero Tolerance

New York cops and prosecutors have begun applying high-pressure law enforcement tactics to child welfare cases. It makes for good press, but a City Limits investigation finds that some guiltless mothers and their kids are getting punished along with the guilty.


A new manual shows how to add some zip to organizing campaigns–including creative use of Elvis impersonators.

HPD Gives Tenants Code Shoulder

Officials at the city’s Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) are looking for ways to bring the city’s code enforcement policy in line with the Giuliani administration’s long-time goal of making the system more landlord-friendly.


New York’s main shopping drags are coming back. But many small commercial strips that could make low-income neighborhoods worth walking again remain bodega badlands. The city’s solution is suburban-style mini-malls. Is this the right idea?

The Apprenticeship of Money Kravis

Financier Henry Kravis teams up with nonprofit guru Kathryn Wylde to leverage private sector millions for inner-city economic development. Can they really create jobs without risking capital?

Demolition Derby

Rudy Giuliani begged the Clinton administration to fulfill a $48 million promise to the New York City Housing Authority. HUD agreed, but there were strings attached–wrecking balls, actually. Now, Rockaway tenants are trying to block the destruction of precious apartments.


ACORN is planning a lawsuit to challenge the city’s practice of making welfare recipients work off their checks at a rate based on an out-of-date minimum wage.