Nighttime NYC: LES Residents, Community Board Wary of New Liquor Licenses
Janaki Chadha |
Residents have dubbed on area ‘Hell Square’—a 24-block area below East Houston Street with over 100 full liquor licenses.
Janaki Chadha
LES residents say the accumulation of drinking establishments has made it hard to accept even those new establishments that promise to be good neighbors.
Residents have dubbed on area ‘Hell Square’—a 24-block area below East Houston Street with over 100 full liquor licenses.
Open space can help promote health—but only if the programming and perceptions are in place to make people feel comfortable using it.
Diabetes and assaults, HIV and asthma, sicken or kill people in low-income areas at higher rates. Often, it isn’t that there’s no method or money to address the problem – it’s that we spend it in the wrong place.
More than a year after City Planning rejected their rezoning plan for being too ambitious, Chinatown advocates are hoping the de Blasio administration’s commitment to ‘community-based planning’ will force a reconsideration.