
Opinion: Not All Housing is Created Equal

“New housing production isn’t a solution if it doesn’t meet the needs of a majority of New Yorkers…Every neighborhood should and must be doing its part to produce affordable housing, not just market-rate housing, if we are going to turn the city’s housing crisis around.” Michael Appleton/Mayoral Photography Office

CityViews are readers’ opinions, not those of City Limits. Add your voice today! You’re paying over half your monthly income in rent, your landlord won’t make repairs, and you’re already rooming with friends or family—your best option? Move.

Opinion: NYC Communities of Color Face Increased Eviction Filings, Displacement Risk, and Soaring Unaffordable Rents 

ANHD’s 2022 Housing Risk Chart highlights the compounding pressures, and risks, to affordable housing in dozens of neighborhoods. Indicators of speculation, gentrification, and displacement pressure are distributed throughout the city and show the necessity of tenant and homeowner counseling and support programs that defend affordability in every neighborhood.

42nd Street and 6th Avenues in Manhattan.

Opinion: Addressing New York’s Systemic Inequities Will Be Core to its COVID Recovery

‘We cannot repeat the mistakes of the past, where recoveries after the Great Recession, the Sept. 11 attacks, and the early 90s recession exacerbated systemic inequities rather than addressing them. And the people to determine a new direction cannot be the same people who benefit the most from the status quo.’