As the 10 year anniversary of Hurricane Sandy’s landfall in New York approaches, City Limits is asking residents to share their experiences of the storm. Where were you, and how did Sandy impact you and your community?

Jarrett Murphy
A marsh in the Oakwood Beach area of Staten Island in the aftermath of Sandy. The field became the final resting place for roofs, appliances and clothes.
A decade ago this Oct. 29, Hurricane Sandy struck New York City, slamming the boroughs with two days of wind, rain and floods. The superstorm left large swaths of the city without power for days, brought public transit to a standstill and devastated coastal neighborhoods. It dealt an estimated $19 billion in damages, officials say, and killed 44 New Yorkers.
Ten years later, New York continues to rebuild from the storm—the city has spent just three-fourths of the $11 billion in federal grants it received after the 2012 disaster, a recent comptroller report found—as well as fortify itself against new threats, such as increasingly extreme rainfall that floods even inland neighborhoods.
As we look back at the legacy of Hurricane Sandy at this 10-year milestone, City Limits wants to hear directly from New Yorkers about their experiences of the historic storm. Where were you when Sandy made landfall, and where did you ride out the crisis? How did the superstorm impact you, your home and your community?
Share your story using the form below. Your answers could be used included in an upcoming City Limits story.