J. Murphy
Fordham Law professor and Democrat for attorney general Zephyr Teachout.
If Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s stunning primary victory is a progressive watershed, the moment was a long time in the making, with Ralph Nader in 2000, Howard Dean in 2004 and Bernie Sanders in 2016 using grassroots organizing to challenge Democratic politicians from the left in different ways and with varying levels of success. Among others who might diversify that list of insurgents, you might add Zephyr Teachout, whose 2014 run for governor against Andrew Cuomo fell short of victory but dented the governor’s aura of invincibility.
Now Teachout is seeking statewide office again, part of a four-way race for the Democratic nomination for an attorney general seat that was securely held by Eric Schneiderman until just a few months ago. Like her rivals Leecia Eve, Letitia James and Sean Patrick Maloney, she brings solid progressive credentials and a decent amount of name recognition to the race. She told Max & Murphy on Monday that she also brings experience battling corruption, which she says is key to what she sees as a primary function of the attorney general’s office: combating President Trump.
“One of the main things that Trump represents is arbitrary power. And the response to arbitrary power is law but for that law to be a persuasive, powerful counterargument… for that to be convincing, that law has to be wielded in a fair way without fear or favor,” she said.
Hear the rest of our talk:
Programming note: Beginning Wednesday, July 18, Max & Murphy can be heard LIVE from 5 to 6 p.m. on WBAI 99.5 FM
2 thoughts on “Max & Murphy: Zephyr Teachout On the AG Race and the Case Against Donald Trump”
As a voter in CD18, I do not think that rival Sean Patrick Maloney has any progressive credentials. He even voted to weaken Dodd-Frank! http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/dozens-democratic-lawmakers-weaken-banking-regulations-article-1.4005690
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