The Workmen’s Circle to Honor American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten at Annual Winter Benefit on November 30

The Workmen’s Circle will honor its historic partnership with the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and its President, Randi Weingarten, at its Annual Winter Benefit on Thursday, November 30. “The American Federation of Teachers and the Workmen’s Circle have been partners and allies for many decades. Under Randi Weingarten’s leadership, the AFT has stood alongside us on many issues of social and economic justice—most recently, supporting immigrant rights, the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act and condemning acts of violence and bias in Charlottesville,” said Ann Toback, Executive Director of the Workmen’s Circle. “The Workmen’s Circle’s mission is to build a shenere un besere velt far ale – a better and more beautiful world for all. We echo the ideals that the AFT espouses— our collective strength.