Photo by: Oresti Tsonopoulos
The mayor-elect greets voters on election night.
For the first time in 12 years, New York City is on the verge of inaugurating a new mayor. Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio has already launched his transition effort. Now a citizen-based one is also getting off the ground.
Talking Transition will host a series of events co-sponsored by community groups over the next two weeks to solicit ideas from New Yorkers on how they want the de Blasio administration to govern. There is a website where people can submit ideas at any time and a Talking Tent at Canal Street and 6th Avenue that will be open 9 to 9 daily from November 9th through 23rd. The first event, “Can We Get Everything We Need?: An Interactive Conversation About The City’s Budget” will be at the tent on Saturday at 1:30 p.m.
It’s billed as “an interactive conversation about the state of the City’s budget.” Co-sponsor Community Voices Heard says the event will allow participants to “brainstorm how to allocate $100 million and what the long-term vision and possibilities for participatory budgeting are in NYC.”
“Community organizing groups around the city are feeling the amazing potential of a new administration coming in to power in NYC,” says CVH executive director Sondra Youdelman. “But, we’re also aware that we need to keep the ideas coming and the pressure on. What better way to start the process of governing anew than with an open dialogue with ordinary New Yorkers about some of the best ideas out there. ” CVH has been involved in an existing—and growing—participatory budgeting process in New York.
There’ll be events in every borough leading up to a town-hall meeting on the 23rd. The effort is sponsored by the Atlantic Philanthropies, Brooklyn Community Foundation, Ford Foundation, New York Community Trust, New York Foundation, New York Women’s Foundation, North Star Fund, Open Society Foundations, Charles H. Revson Foundation and Rockefeller Brothers Fund.