How to Join Your Local Community Board
Jack Curran |
To be on a community board you must be a New York City resident and live, work or have significant interest in the district of the board you wish to join.
At a 2010 charter revision hearing, a Bronx community board member stood up for his role.
To be on a community board you must be a New York City resident and live, work or have significant interest in the district of the board you wish to join.
City and state agencies are increasingly placing information that once required a FOIL request on their website. Before you initiate a formal FOIL request, you should prowl the agency’s site to see what is there for the taking.
City zoning laws regulate what can and cannot be built on certain parcels of land. If zoning laws restrict your plans, it doesn’t necessarily mean the end of your project. You can apply for a zoning variance.
You do not need to know the officer’s name or badge number to make a complaint. Investigators can usually use basic information about the time and location to identify the officer.
The official due dates for the next election have not yet been set, but petitions are typically due sometime in mid-July.
And more might be closing as their owners struggle to pay back loans they had to take out to repair damage from the flood.