Woe Houses

Leaky roofs and shoddy construction have created huge headaches for New York City Housing Partnership homeowners in Brooklyn and the Bronx. Now they’ve started a revolt, and the city may be shopping around for new housing partners.

Fort Jiggetts, The Bronx

What turns lawyers into paper pushers and landlords into tenant caseworkers? It’s Jiggetts, the 10-year-old state rent subsidy that keeps 26,000 poor tenants off city streets each year–and the Bronx Housing Court in business.

One-Shot Down In Flames

The city’s Human Resources Administration safety net for the working poor is a one-time, low-cost loan for tenants in a pinch. But without enough HRA staff to handle the demand, there’s no guarantee it’ll be there when tenants need it.

Green Envy

Flush with $1.75 billion to spend on the environment, Albany politicians promised to protect and expand New York’s resources. So why has New York City seen little of the money?