Experts Wanted! Bloomberg Panel Seeks Sage Advice
Jarrett Murphy |
The Charter Revision Commission reveals the schedule for hearings where experts will weigh in on potential changes to city government. But which experts will get a say?
The Charter Revision Commission reveals the schedule for hearings where experts will weigh in on potential changes to city government. But which experts will get a say?
The city’s Charter Revision Commission staked out broad areas of inquiry as it heads toward a possible 2010 vote to revamp New York’s government.
The panel considering changes to the city’s governing structure will consider which issues to examine during its next round of hearings.
After the first round of hearings on how to revise the city’s charter, a list has emerged of what New Yorkers want to change about their government.
At a Charter Revision Commission hearing in the Bronx, the theme was power: Who wants more, and who’s supposed to give it up.
The first public hearing of the mayor’s Charter Revision Commission could be the start of a fast-track effort to change the way New York City governs itself.
Top stories from City Limits describe 2009 as experienced in ‘the other New York.’
Elected after one of the city’s most secretive mayors, Mike Bloomberg can’t help but look transparent. But is city government under this executive really an open book?
The mayor has earned admiration from many quarters for improving the tenor of race relations. But the impact of his policies on blacks and Latinos give fodder to fans and foes alike.
There’s just one real contest in the races for borough president this fall, but next year could see a debate over whether the city still needs the post.