Arguments Against Rent Regs are Vacant of Facts
Peter Moskos |
Some say New York could relieve high rents by removing rent regulations. And other people say the world is flat.
Some say New York could relieve high rents by removing rent regulations. And other people say the world is flat.
Ocean Village lost power after Sandy. But danger and deprivation were nothing new to its 1,000-plus residents, who hope a new owner and $110 million in public financing change the tide.
The city is in the midst of an historic plan to build affordable housing. But people who want to live in those low-income units face enormous difficulty finding and applying for government-subsidized apartments.
Taking advantage of a new law to help tenants, lawsuits alleging landlord harassment are under way.
Landlords can’t turn away renters if their rent money comes from government assistance. Despite a new law, however, they’re still doing exactly that.