Saga Of The Worthless Condo
Joe Walker |
A developer broke the rules, the city belatedly cracked down and dozens of Brooklyn families own property with no legal right to exist.
A developer broke the rules, the city belatedly cracked down and dozens of Brooklyn families own property with no legal right to exist.
Communities of color were flooded with mortgages and home equity loans in the first half of the decade. Not anymore, according to a new study.
Hundreds of NYC’s luxury residential developments are vacant. Advocates want them opened to the homeless.
Fights over congestion pricing and the city’s sanitation strategy have receded from the headlines. But in North Brooklyn, worry is still in the air.
The City Council ponders how DEP can collect payments without leading homeowners to foreclosure.
The Harlem Children’s Zone wants to launch a school at a public housing development. But some tenants worry that their children’s needs won’t be met.
The city steps in, hoping to rescue 10 Bronx buildings laid low by overambitious investors, potentially establishing a model for rescuing others.
Amid crisis-level black unemployment, government benefits, family support and off-the-books labor help make ends meet.
After the first round of hearings on how to revise the city’s charter, a list has emerged of what New Yorkers want to change about their government.
A closed door meeting — prompted by deals like Atlantic Yards, Yankee Stadium and Columbia University’s expansion — is examining how developers deliver community benefits in New York.