In a First, the Public Got to Weigh in on NYC’s Banking Decisions

At a a recent hearing, members of the NYC Banking Commission heard from advocates who described redlining, predatory and discriminatory lending practices, and substantial investments in the fossil fuel industry by major banks applying to hold tens of millions of city dollars. Yet the commission promptly approved all of the nearly 30 banks that applied.

An open fire hydrant spraying water on a Brooklyn street

Barrios vulnerables ante las olas de calor en NYC necesitan más Centros de Enfriamiento, dice el Contralor

Queens tiene el menor número de centros de enfriamiento de acuerdo con la densidad de su población, con sólo cinco centros por cada 100.000 habitantes, mientras que Manhattan tiene siete, según un análisis realizado por la oficina del Contralor de la Ciudad, Brad Lander. East Flatbush fue el barrio con el peor acceso a los centros de enfriamiento en relación con el grado de vulnerabilidad.

NYC Mayor Eric Adams talking into a microphone at a press conference podium

Mayor’s Emergency Declaration Will Speed Shelter Openings as Homeless Population Rises 

The declaration will allow the city to open a new intake facility specifically for asylum-seekers and immigrants who have made their way to city shelters. It will also allow the Department of Homeless Services to issue contracts to nonprofits to open additional shelters, most likely in hotels, while bypassing public review and the usual competitive bidding process.