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Election 2017 Policy Brief: Closing Rikers

There will be questions about this topic during the mayoral race. The bigger questions will be answered down the line.

August 11, 2017

De Blasio and the Difficult Task of Closing Rikers Island

The biggest reason for the doubts about de Blasio’s devotion to closing Rikers is that doing so will require tough decisions in a policy area where this mayor faces unusually high expectations and especially acute risks.

July 5, 2017

Brooklyn DA Hopefuls Stake Out Positions on Bail Reform, Key to Closing Rikers

A point of contention among the candidates is how much the DA’s office is currently doing to limit the use of bail in cases involving alleged misdemeanors and nonviolent felonies.

June 22, 2017

CityViews: Lots of Talk About Closing Rikers, Not Enough About Shutting ‘Broken Windows’

Amidst the splash created by Mayor de Blasio’s pledge to close Rikers, it’s somewhat surprising that there hasn’t been more attention to the future of broken-windows policing.

April 10, 2017

Closing Rikers Goes from Pipe Dream to Policy

The city will sweat the details for a long time. But let’s give de Blasio his due for putting his stamp on history.

April 1, 2017

No BackSpace: Shackling Inmates Will Only Make Rikers Violence Worse

A veteran DOC officer writes: ‘We simply must develop the will to expend the money for services and staff, rather than on restraint chairs and solitary cells.’

March 22, 2017

Video: Violence in the City Jails and the Push to Close Rikers

A reform advocate, a former inmate and the head of the correction officers union discussed where the reforms of Rikers stand, whether they go far enough and what’s driving the surge in violence.

October 13, 2016

Open Letter to the Mayor: NIMBY Needn’t Block Plans to Replace Rikers with Jails that Work

A former corrections captain maps out a planning process that to create the community detention facilities New York needs.

June 28, 2016

No BackSpace: Can You Hear Us Now? How Verizon Strikers Came Through Loud and Clear

In multiple ways, the workers took on the company along the contested front between the new and old economy, and won.

June 9, 2016

Still Waiting for Rules to Prevent Rape on Rikers

Nearly a year ago, the city’s Board of Correction voted to enact revised guidelines to address high rates of sexual abuse in the city’s correctional facilities. The final rule has encountered a chain a delays.

May 17, 2016