New York City’s Hospitals, Teachers and Children Facing a Harsh Test
Jarrett Murphy |
‘We need to keep our eye on one thing and one thing only and that’s the hospitals. That’s the battlefield.’
‘We need to keep our eye on one thing and one thing only and that’s the hospitals. That’s the battlefield.’
One thing everyone can agree on is that things look much much worse now.
Two Queens reporters break down the race for ‘beep’, the runners and why it all matters.
New York City might have to adopt much more dramatic measures, like the closure of schools, if the local case count tops 100, a public-health expert says.
Super Tuesday marks the first 2020 electoral test for Michael Bloomberg, whom voters around the country are getting to know. New Yorkers, of course, are already familiar with the billionaire media titan, whom they elected to the mayoralty three times.
Local fans of the top Democratic hopefuls rattled off talking points and spoke from the heart during a special live-audience, extended version of the Max & Murphy Show.
A journalist and a biographer discuss the lessons New York learned about the 12-year mayor, and the new questions that a presidential run is raising.
‘Some of it has to do with doubling down on existing policies but a lot of it has to do with things that we’ve been advocating for for years that are still not done. A lot of them are things we’ve been talking about for five, six years.’
The early previews of 2021 are heavily male. Nonprofit executive Dianne Morales and former veterans affairs commission Loree Sutton are vying to make the main stage.
Fifty weeks after the Amazon HQ2 deal collapsed, NYC’s economy continues to add jobs, and tech companies continue to invest here. That’s not to say the loss of the deal didn’t come at a cost.