
Opinion: Not All Housing is Created Equal

“New housing production isn’t a solution if it doesn’t meet the needs of a majority of New Yorkers…Every neighborhood should and must be doing its part to produce affordable housing, not just market-rate housing, if we are going to turn the city’s housing crisis around.” Michael Appleton/Mayoral Photography Office

CityViews are readers’ opinions, not those of City Limits. Add your voice today! You’re paying over half your monthly income in rent, your landlord won’t make repairs, and you’re already rooming with friends or family—your best option? Move.

City of Yes hearing

Opinion: Real New Yorkers Embrace Diversity and Community

“If we don’t pass City of Yes—a common sense set of policies that encourage housing production and prioritize people over cars—we will let the unreasonable and provincial mindset vocalized by Paladino win.”

Gerardo Romo / NYC Council Media UnitCity Councilmember Vickie Paladino at the public hearing held by the Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises on Oct. 22. CityViews are readers’ opinions, not those of City Limits. Add your voice today! I moved to New York eight years ago, drawn here by the bustling sidewalks, the deep sense of community, and the world-class public space.


Opinion: NYC Must Live Up To Its Decarceration Promises

“It has become increasingly clear that the Adams administration has committed to expand a policy of mass incarceration over community services and other less expensive, more effective alternatives. The current administration would have you believe that this is the only option. It is not.” Michael Appleton/Mayoral Photography OfficeMayor Eric Adams at Rikers Island in June 2022. CityViews are readers’ opinions, not those of City Limits.