Medicaid Alert

In a week full of dire predictions for the city’s financial future, one elected official added another to the stack: Medicaid costs will rise exponentially overt he next few years.

City to Tots: Get Older

Facing higher fees for in-home day care services, the city has told day care providers to cut back on their youngest, and most expensive, clients, a change which could push thousands of toddlers out of care.

Knocking on Wood

In its effort to rebuild parts of the subway system, the city’s transit authority is using wood forested from rare African jungles, and, environmentalists charge, buying the wood from a company with possible links to al Qaeda.

Flipping Out

In an unexpected move, a nonprofit recently sold 35 buildings that had been slated for rehab and, in some cases, tenant management, putting a roadblock in the way of an ambitious federal and city plan to undo the damage done by a mortgage scandal.