youth climate rally

What Do NYC Youth Want for Earth Day? An End to Fossil Fuels.

“My house gets flooded every single year,” 16-year old Diana Ramirez told City Limits, one of many New York City youth who took to the streets in the lead up to Earth Day to demand people in power stop funding fossil fuels. “The rising sea levels and flooding caused by climate change are affecting me heavily.”

NY Heat Act rally

Why Environmental Groups are Backing the NY Heat Act

The bill includes a provision that has the power to curb the expansion of gas infrastructure in New York. “Why put new gas pipes in the ground for new construction, when we’ve already passed laws saying we should be moving away from using gas?” the bill’s sponsor Senator Liz Krueger told City Limits. 


Local Law 97’s ‘Mediated Resolution’ Clause Gives Too Much Leeway for Exemptions, Lawyers Say

The Dept. of Buildings has the power to offer a mediated resolution to landlords who don’t comply with the city’s building emissions law, bypassing fines if they promise to get back on track. But lawyers fear the provision leaves the door open for DOB to evoke it too freely, and question whether the agency has the staff capacity to monitor such deals.