Opinion: Transforming Systems of Harm into Systems of Care for Black Families

“As public defenders working with parents in family court, we write during Black History Month to urge state legislators to pass a slate of legislation that informs, supports, and empowers families and communities rather than subjecting them to cycles of harm and separation.” Adi TalwarFamily court in lower Manhattan. CityViews are readers’ opinions, not those of City Limits. Add your voice today! As public defenders working with parents in family court, we write during Black History Month to urge state legislators to pass a slate of legislation that informs, supports, and empowers families and communities rather than subjecting them to cycles of harm and separation.The Parent Legislative Action Network (PLAN), a statewide coalition of impacted families, advocates, social workers, academics and attorneys, including our offices, has put forward the following vital pieces of legislation: The Family Miranda Rights Act, S551/A1234 ensures that all families know their rights at the start of a family policing investigation; the Maternal Health, Dignity, and Consent Act, S845/A860 requires that medical providers follow established standard of care and obtain written and verbal consent regardless of health insurance status, or race, class, or other identity markers before screening or testing pregnant and birthing people for drug use; and the Anti-Harassment in Reporting Act, S550/A066, which would prevent abuse of the State Central Register by switching from anonymous reporting to confidential reporting.In New York City, Black parents and their children are systematically targeted at every stage of intervention by the Administration for Children’s Services (ACS).