Annual Tenant Lobby Day Wins Short Term Gains
Eileen Markey |
Several pro-tenant bills passed the Assembly Tuesday, but activists fear they will get stuck in the Senate’s housing committee.
Several pro-tenant bills passed the Assembly Tuesday, but activists fear they will get stuck in the Senate’s housing committee.
More than 400 New Yorkers went to Albany today to demand greater protections for tenants, including a bill that would repeal vacancy decontrol.
The senator reportedly stayed in an inner office while the tenants chanted and rallied in the hall outside, “Na-na-na-na. Hey, hey, hey, good bye.”
Tenants have a message for the bank that holds mortgages on 10 Bronx buildings that have gone into foreclosure and disrepair: You own it, you fix it.
Guess how many hours per week a Bronx minimum wage earner has to work to afford an apartment.
As numbers of homeless people in shelters continues to rise, this year’s street count shows an increase too.
A group tries to ensure that pauper’s graves are not condemned to be forgotten except when prisoners dig fresh ones.
Mayor Bloomberg’s big goals to cut homelessness in half and greatly expand affordable housing are being reinterpreted in the next budget.
Renters beware: You may be on a blacklist. But now there’s a path to clear your name.
After receiving prized Section 8 vouchers, then losing them, about 1,000 ill-sheltered grantees are still without a housing plan.