Industry City’s ‘Plan for 20,000 Jobs’ included jobs that already exist, jobs that it expected tenant companies to generate, and jobs that murky projections said would be spurred off site.
‘Those regular visits were like heartbeats, helping to sustain, energize and strengthen our relationship until, exactly 13 years later, the last prison in which Joe resided disappeared from view as we drove together toward home.’
The mayor’s intense desire to provide in-person learning led the city to underestimate the obstacles to bringing kids back.
A Senate leader says talks are underway about whether to tax the rich to avoid cuts. But how deep the hole will be, and whether the federal government will step in to help fill it, are big unknowns.
El plan incluye la protección de los nuevos inquilinos, la reutilización de tierras de propiedad del gobierno y de parcelas de fabricación aisladas para viviendas, y una rezonificación para generar tanto apartamentos a precio de mercado como apartamentos orientados a la obtención de ingresos.
Although the city is set to appeal, members of Neighbors United Below Canal said they believe the final victory belongs to the community.