Jean Shafiroff, Elsie McCabe Thompson, Jay Moorhead, Frances Kierson, Natasha Das, Emily Mohr, Cole Rumbough==
NYC Mission Society's 14th Annual Thanksgiving Harvest Community Dinner==
Minisink Townhouse, NYC==
November 16, 2017==
©Patrick McMullan==
Photo - Krista Kennell/PMC==
-Board Members Jean Shafiroff and Jay Moorhead underwrite the event-
(New York, N.Y.) – Striving to help its program participants and community members start the holiday season with a hot meal, the New York City Mission Society provided more than 300 meals at its 14th Annual Thanksgiving Harvest Community Dinner at Minisink Townhouse on Thursday, November 16.
New York City Mission Society alumni and staff, Board Members, community members, and volunteers served the meals, while students in the nonprofit’s afterschool free music education program, GRIOT, performed onstage in the auditorium.
This event has been underwritten by Board Members Jean Shafiroff and Jay Moorhead. Sponsors and volunteer groups included Chase, Nike, Kohl’s and Whole Foods.
“The families we serve face numerous challenges each day, and the holidays can be especially tough,” said New York City Mission Society President Elsie McCabe Thompson. “This time of year is a chance to give thanks and to give back, so I thank our board members Jean Shafiroff and Jay Moorhead, our community members, staff, and other volunteers for coming together on this night to start the holiday season off on a high note. This is what the holidays are all about.”
New York State Senator Brian Benjamin greeted attendees, and Reverend Anthony Iroh of St. Charles Borromeo Church delivered an invocation before everyone sat down to turkey, stuffing, side dishes, desserts, and beverages donated by area businesses and individuals.
Earlier in the week, the Mission Society continued its tradition of distributing turkeys to community members to help create a festive Thanksgiving. The turkeys were donated by St. Francis Food Pantries & Shelters.
About the New York City Mission Society
The New York City Mission Society has been on the frontlines of the war on poverty for more than 200 years. Today, our progressive portfolio of educational, workforce development, cultural enrichment, and community-building programs, make a positive, long-term impact on the City’s most underserved communities by promoting academic achievement, and providing career opportunities and cultural enrichment. Each year, we serve more than 10,000 children and families throughout New York City with our programs, supportive services, and community events. Learn more at http://www.nycmissionsociety.org.