Stung By Sam: .44-Caliber Bail Reform
Jarrett Murphy |
The city’s bail system wasn’t the same after one defendant named David Berkowitz came through a Brooklyn courthouse.
The Post stoked outrage when a bail clerk recommended releasing a now-notorious serial killer on his own recognizance.
The city’s bail system wasn’t the same after one defendant named David Berkowitz came through a Brooklyn courthouse.
From the Bible to the Tupac Shakur, history and pop culture are littered with references to the curious process of paying for freedom.
The long-running cops-and-courtrooms drama often brings viewers into the bail hearing.
It’s rare, but it happens: A person gets arrested on multiple charges, has $1 bail set on one, clears the other counts up, but remains in jail for lack of a solitary greenback.
There are somewhere between 160,000 and 1.5 million open warrants in the five boroughs. They represent the caseload of the NYPD’s Warrants Section.
When a judge opts not to release a defendant and sets bail that’s higher than he can pay in cash, a commercial bail bond agent decides, in effect, whether the guy stays in or goes free.