NYC Inc: Twilight Zoning

The city says the new landscape of historically industrial areas of Williamsburg will be “mixed use.” But high-priced housing won’t just sound the death knell for existing industry–it will weaken New York’s economy, too.

L.A. Confident

When government offers subsidies to corporations, West Coast communities have won by playing hardball at the bargaining table. Now New York’s getting in on the action.

Miracle on 33rd Street

This holiday season, more than 200,000 letters from poor
New Yorkers will plead with Santa Claus for toys, clothes, even school supplies. But how many will get what they wish for? It all depends on how visitors to a post office charity program decide who’s needy and who’s merely nice.

Called Safe

A spate of deaths, starvations and other horrors are recent reminders that too many foster homes are anything but havens for endangered kids. Why does it happen? If only their caseworkers knew.

The New Kids in School

The city’s fast-track Teaching Fellows program allows would-be educators to jump in the classroom after just seven weeks’ preparation. We need the teachers-but we also need to figure out how to get them to stay for keeps.