Stamp Connecting

This winter, New York State launched a new ad campaign to boost food stamp participation, targeted at senior citizens and former welfare recipients who have gone to work.

Home Economics

Political heavyweights and federal housing officials announced a last-minute save in January that would rescue about 465 brownstones that have been pillaged, exploited and left for dead through scams carried out under the federal mortgage insurance program known as 203(k).

Divine Intervention

From youth and seniors programs to food banks and drug rehab, social service jobs are trickling down to churches. Now, with help from a new foundation project, they may be able to get some money, too.

Home in One

How can mentally ill homeless people get the housing and the help they need? Streamline the referral process, say the folks behind a Brooklyn-based pilot program.

Metropolitan Operatives

Thanks to term limits, scads of city offices will be up for grabs this fall–but that doesn’t mean your favorite neighborhood progressive candidate is a shoo-in. Three political kingmakers give wannabe contenders some pointers. City Limits gets the 411 from Martin Brennan, Kevin Finnegan and Micah Lasher.