City Limits rounds up the latest housing and land use-related events, public hearings and affordable housing lotteries that are ending soon.

Dept. of City Planning Documents
A rendering of the Arrow Linen site proposal. Brooklyn Community Board 7 will hold a public hearing on the plan next Monday.Welcome to City Limits’ NYC Housing Calendar, a weekly feature where we round up the latest housing and land use-related events and hearings, as well as upcoming affordable housing lotteries that are ending soon.
Know of an event we should include in next week’s calendar? Email us.
Upcoming Housing and Land Use-Related Events:
- Tuesday, Sept. 4 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.: The Department of Housing, Preservation and Development’s (HPD) “Outreach Van” will be located at 4023 Broadway in Manhattan, between 169th and 170th streets, offering information and resources about how to apply for affordable housing, lodge complaints about building violations and more. More here.
- Wednesday, Sept. 5 at 1 p.m.: City agencies will host an online webinar about flood preparedness, including a hurricane season forecast, tips about emergency preparedness and obtaining flood insurance. More here.
- Wednesday, Sept. 5 at 1 p.m.: The Federal Reserve Bank of New York will host a virtual event and panel discussion about flood risk to low-and-moderate city income households, including the impact on basement housing. More here.
- Monday, Sept. 9 at 1 p.m.: The NYC Planning Commission will hold a review session, the agenda for which has not yet been published. More here.
- Monday, Sept. 9 at 6:30 p.m.: Brooklyn Community Board 7 will hold a public hearing on a land use application for a proposed rezoning at the Arrow Linen Supply Co. site (441 & 467 Prospect Ave.). More here.
NYC Affordable Housing Lotteries Ending Soon: The New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) are closing lotteries on the following subsidized buildings over the next week.
- 14-09 31st Avenue Apartments, Queens, for households earning between $87,429 – $181,740.
- 1308 – 1314 Lincoln Place Apartments, Brooklyn, for households earning between $102,686 – $181,740
- 967 East 167th Street Apartments, Bronx, for households earning between $87,635 – $181,740