City on the Edge: Climate Change and New York
Opinion: New York City’s Food Waste is a Solvable Issue
Kevin Irving |
‘We know how to reduce food waste, we just need to find the will to do it.’
‘We know how to reduce food waste, we just need to find the will to do it.’
The state’s Department of Labor, which is administering the program, is warning on its website that the fund is “nearing exhaustion” and cannot guarantee that future applicants will be approved for relief. “Soon new applications will no longer be accepted,” the DOL’s website reads.
‘Restaurants are a critical part of the economy, employing 10 percent of New Yorkers. We saw during the pandemic how important they are to communities. Outdoor spaces, heated and cooled, were gathering spaces through the year for weary New Yorkers.’
What was the role of Latinos and immigrants during Occupy Wall Street? What role did immigration issues play as part of the demands of the occupiers? Participants, scholars, and journalists reconstruct the influence of Latinos and immigrants on Occupy.
More than 17,000 Hispanic residents left Washington Heights and Inwood between 2010 and 2020, while a total of 4,824 white residents moved into both neighborhoods during the same period, El Diario reports.
¿Cuál fue el rol de los latinos e inmigrantes durante el Ocupa Walls Street? ¿Cómo el tema de inmigración se sumó a las demandas de los ocupantes de Wall Street? Participantes, académicos y periodistas reconstruyen la influencia de los latinos y los inmigrantes en la ocupación.
Elizabeth McDonough, parlamentarian, escribió en su fallo que este caso “supera sustancialmente el impacto presupuestario”. Entonces ¿qué opciones quedan para presionar por una reforma que abra el camino para la ciudadanía a millones de indocumentados?
The mutual aid movement continues, but groups are increasingly seeking new ways to ensure their long-term sustainability.
Las normas federales y estatales de elegibilidad descalifican a quienes presentan números de identificación de contribuyente individual (o ITIN por sus siglas en inglés), usado por miles de trabajadores inmigrantes. Los expertos estiman que hay unos 107.610 niños en hogares que presentan el ITIN en todo el Estado de Nueva York.
Federal and state eligibility rules disqualify those who file with Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers, or ITINs—a common practice among immigrant workers. Experts estimate that there are around 107,610 children in ITIN-filing households across New York State.