City’s Street Vendors Saw Twice as Many Tickets This Year Compared to Pre-Pandemic, With NYPD Leading Enforcement

In 2019, when the police were the sole enforcer, the NYPD issued 1,812 tickets versus 2,499 in the first nine months of this year, with almost half (48.6 percent) doled out in the last quarter. In just nine months, the NYPD and the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP) have issued 3,884 tickets to vendors, more than double the number of tickets made in 2019.

Situación de trabajadores de demolición revela fallos en la aplicación de la nueva ley estatal de seguridad

Según la Ley HERO de Nueva York, los trabajadores pueden solicitar la creación de un comité de seguridad en el lugar de trabajo para evaluar la eficacia de los protocolos de seguridad y exponer problemas de salud, entre otras tareas. Pero hasta ahora, los trabajadores tienen pocos recursos cuando los empleadores incumplen la ley. Una enmienda a la ley que está a la espera de la firma de la gobernadora crearía sanciones más estrictas en caso de incumplimiento.

Demolition Workers’ Plight Reveals Enforcement Flaws in New State Safety Law

Under the NY HERO Act, workers can request the creation of a workplace safety committee to assess the effectiveness of security protocols and raise health concerns, among other tasks. But so far, workers have little recourse when employers fail to comply. An amendment to the law awaiting the governor’s signature would create stricter penalties for noncompliance. 

Building in Bushwick? Councilmember Lays Out Priorities for Rezonings

In a document issued Monday, Councilmember Jennifer Gutiérrez laid out her priorities for any new development that requires changes to the zoning code in one of the city’s most intense real estate markets. Under the City Council’s informal tradition of member deference, local members have effective veto power over land use applications in their districts.

State Bill Would Aid City’s Move Toward More Climate-Friendly Food Sources

New York City’s efforts to green its food system have been limited by a conflicting state law that says food must be procured by government entities based on cost alone. A bill being re-introduced in the upcoming legislative session in Albany would amend the existing law and allow every municipality in the state to opt into values-based procurement, factoring in other qualifications like nutrition and environmental sustainability when choosing food vendors.