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Viewed in isolation, a proposal to exempt small residential portfolios from new eviction protections could exclude hundreds of thousands of New York City apartments. Perhaps more significantly, this type of estimate isn’t easy to make.



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City on the Edge: Climate Change and New York

“By engaging students in conducting research and advocacy in the process of creating and running programs, and maintaining the street itself, schools can turn Open School Streets into canvases for students to reimagine what their communities can and should look like.”

Age Justice

En 2022, la gobernadora Kathy Hochul cedió en las negociaciones y dio luz verde a la ampliación de Medicaid para dar cobertura a los inmigrantes indocumentados mayores de 65 años. El Departamento de Salud del estado puso en marcha el programa el mes pasado después de un retraso de un año.

City on the Edge: Climate Change and New York

“By engaging students in conducting research and advocacy in the process of creating and running programs, and maintaining the street itself, schools can turn Open School Streets into canvases for students to reimagine what their communities can and should look like.”


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